Payment and Refund
Payment Information ** Please pay before the registration period ends.
** If the registration period ends before you pay, you should pay the amount of next registration period. ** Payment shall be made to the account: 428-141962-20704 Hana Bank (Kyung Hee University International College) ** It is important that you match the participant name and depositor name so that we can check easily. ** When applying in group, a representative shall make all the payments. ** Dormitory deposit period is from December 23rd to December 29th. Announcement text will be sent during this period. *** Extended registration period's fee is same as the Late period's registration fee. * For Foreign Participants* When Paying, you have to write down all the information ADDITIONALLY along with the bank account so that your payment can be successfully made. **For GC: Seoul we ONLY ACCEPT "WON" (Korean currency) 1. Receiving Country: Republic of Korea 2. Receiver: Kyung Hee University International College 3. Receiving Bank & Address: KHU Global Campus Branch, Kyunghee Univ. Global Campus, Seocheon-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 4. Receiving Bank & Receiver Phone Number: Hana Bank +82-31-203-1111 KIC Model UN Secretariat +82-31-201-2325 5. SWIFT Code: HNBNKRSE Refund Policy Refund Policy of Global Classrooms:Seoul 2020
When the participant wants refund, he/she has to submit his/her information to [email protected] until December 27th 23:59, 2019.(according to Korean time) *Sending an e-mail before December 27th 23:59, 2019 : 100% Refund (both participation fee and dormitory fee) *Sending an e-mail after December 27th 23:59, 2019 : 0% Refund (both participation fee and dormitory fee) Click to set custom HTML
** Please follow our Payment and Refund Requesting policy.
** In order to receive refund, you have to submit the information to [email protected] [Paritcipant's Name, Depositor's Name, Bank Account, Bank Account Owner, Reason] ** Please register before checking other dates in advance. ** This is to provide the best quality of conference to participant so please be aware of our refund policy and follow as it is. * For Foreign Participants* When requesting refund, you have to write down all the information ADDITIONALLY along with the basic refund information so that your refund can be successfully made. 1. Receiving Country 2. Receiver 3. Receiving Bank & Address 4. Receiving Bank & Receiver Phone Number 5. SWIFT Code |