PartnersAs a leading private university in Korea founded with the mission to create a civilized world, Kyung Hee University pursues global eminence with its state of the art research facilities, renowned faculty, and social and global contri-bution. Following the founder’s commitment to international cooperation and global peace, Kyung Hee has a cher-ished tradition of close relationship with the United Nations. It held the inaugural conference of the World Civic Forum in association with the United Nations in Seoul, May 2009 exemplifying the value of this tradition.
Kyung Hee strives to bridge cultural and social gaps between citizens of the world by promoting mutual under-standing and prosperity. As a result, it encourages frequent exchanges with sister universities overseas to facilitate the sharing of ideas. These activities spread a common belief in the value of learning. Since its foundation in 1949, Kyung Hee University has achieved great success in both academic excellence and global praxis. At its 60th anniversary in 2009, Kyung Hee declared a new beginning with the words, ‘Kyung Hee towards Global Eminence.’ In 2011, Kyung Hee was ranked 7th among more than 250 Korean universities in the Joong Ang Daily’s university evaluation and 48th in Asia and 245th in the world according to the QS World Univer-sity Rankings 2011/12. We hope that you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of Kyung Hee’s proud achievements and crystallizing vision. The mission of the College of International Studies, often called Kyung Hee International College or KIC, is to edu-cate and train future international specialists who will play a leading role in the era of globalization with a broad perspective and the necessary skills for leading international organizations, global corporations, the mass media, non-governmental organizations, and public sector agencies. To achieve this goal, KIC provides a truly inter– and trans–disciplinary curriculum that includes the study of international relations, international economics, global business, and East Asian studies. KIC runs a 100% English based curriculum where all the classes are conducted in English. KIC also has a joint Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program with the Graduate School of Pan-Pacific Inter-national Studies, also known as GSP, which allows students to get both degrees in 5 years. KICians are truly proud of the variety of curriculum and extra-curricular programs and activities available through KIC.
The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) is a membership organization dedicat-ed to inform, inspire, and mobilize the American people to support the ideals and vital work of the United Nations. For 70 years UNA-USA has worked to accomplish its mission through its national network of Chapters, youth en-gagement, advocacy efforts, education programs, and public events. UNA-USA is a program of the United Nations Foundation. UNA-USA and its sister organization the Better World Campaign represent the single largest network of advocates and supporters of the United Nations in the world.
UNA-USA is dedicated to educating, inspiring and mobilizing Americans to support the principles and vital work of the United Nations, strengthening the United Nations system, promoting constructive United States leadership in that system and achieving the goals of the United Nations Charter. Global Classrooms is an innovative educational program that engages middle school and high school students in an exploration of current world issues through interactive simulations and curricular materials. Global Class-rooms cultivates literacy, life skills and the attitudes necessary for active citizenship. At the core of Global Classrooms is Model United Nations, wherein students step into shoes of UN Ambassadors and debate a range of issues on the UN agenda. For over 60 years, Model UN has thrived in highly selective high schools and colleges – institutions with the resources to match a strong student interest in world affairs. Prior to 2000, when Global Classrooms was created, students in economically disadvantaged public schools rarely had the opportunity to participate. Over the past decade, Global Classrooms has worked in 24 major cities around the world, helping bridge the gap in the Model UN community between experienced programs and traditionally underserved public schools or schools new to Model UN. Global Classrooms is distinguished by its teacher and student resources that develop critical thinking, conflict resolution and communication skills for middle and high school students. Global Classrooms has become a premiere international education program offering students valuable insight into the growing influence of globalization. 1946년에 발족된 유엔협회세계연맹(WFUNA)은 전세계 100여개가 넘는 유엔협회와 수천 명의 회원을 대표하는 기구로, 유엔과 시민사회 간의 원활한 활동과 소통을 위한 중재 역할을 담당하고 있습니다. WFUNA는 유엔을 지지하고, 유엔의 활동에 적극 관여하는 국제비영리기구입니다.
WFUNA는 전세계가 공통으로 직면하고 있는 도전과 기회에 막강한 영향력을 행사하는 유엔(UN)의 비전을 존중하고, 유엔을 강화시키고 발전시키기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. WFUNA는 다양한 프로그램, 캠페인 그리고 교육 활동을 통하여 유엔의 가치와 활동을 지지하기 위해 유엔협회에 정보를 제공하고, 활동 에 대한 참여를 유도하고 있습니다.현재 WFUNA는 다양한 국가의 유엔협회 회원을 통하여 전세계 모든 지역에 있는 다양한 사람들을 이어주는 가교 역할을 하고 있습니다. WFUNA는 세미나, 웨비나, 워크샵, 훈련, 해외탐방 및 인턴십 등을 통해 시민사 회와 청소년들을 교육하고 있습니다. 우리는 과거의 경험, 교훈 그리고 참가자 들로부터 의견등을 봉사활동 및 프로그램에 적극 반영하여 대상 그룹에게 필 요한 교육을 제공하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 교육과 실천을 통하여 WFUNA는 유엔이 당면한 의제를 해결하는데 일조하고, 전인류가 보다 나은 삶을 누릴 수 있도록 정진해 나갈 것입니다. |